10th March 2017
Travelling back to the Main Land
Well what was meant to be an exciting and promising trip north turned into an unexpectedly eventful one..
None the less we are finally back in the mainland.. The land of road works.. after being stuck once again with bad weather (thought we were going to be stuck for a week like last time!!)
The horses quite enjoyed there holiday and even packing on a few pies!!
Was great to catch up with a few on my sneaky duck into HOY.. I mean we did come all this way and I may have had a couple things on my shopping list to tick off..
Dunrobin Gancanagh's leg is heeling well and we have managed to come to an understanding regarding keeping the bandage on!!.. He may have compromised for chewing his cover instead however.
By Hoki is also making great progress, getting stronger in his rehab everyday and hopefully will be looking forwards to the SI 3DE.
I will be back with proper internet connection soon enough so will get back to everyone's messages ASAP!